Romance or violence?

My 28-year old niece Grace and I decided back in March this year to re-watch together the whole of the Twilight series of films.  All 5 of them.

Now bear with me because if you’ve not heard of Twilight then the principle could be interesting for you and if you have, and maybe watched the films back in 2008 onwards, you may know exactly what I mean!

The series of vampire-related love story films (!) became a worldwide phenomenon.  

Robert Pattinson, the main protagonist was Grace’s first ‘love’.  We’ve all been there haven’t we…mine was Jack Lord from Hawaii 5-0 back in the day! 😁

All the Twilight Movies in Order (How to Watch the Twilight Saga)

We named our film-viewing evening our Monday Night of Romance.  

After watching the whole Twilight series over a couple of months we decided to keep going.  At Grace’s suggestion.

Meeting on a Monday evening, sharing supper together and Grace staying with us is all part of the formula we’ve created.

We’ve both chosen a series of films we’ve loved and some we or one of us haven’t seen and are working our way through them.

So far we’ve watched Dirty Dancing / Moonstruck / Working Girl / 10 Things I Hate About You and Pretty Woman.  We have quite a long list of romance-related films to go! 💘

My point of sharing this with you is multilayered.

  • Deciding to do something a bit different and making it a habit means we make it happen.
  • Sharing something with someone else which could sound ‘silly’ but is actually rather lovely works for us both
  • Revisiting something you love OR have always wanted to experience is great too
  • Calling it something (I always love naming things!) makes it more appealing
  • Choosing to make something frivolous-sounding important has surprised us both

What’s funny toois that my husband Snowy and Grace’s man have talked about having a Monday Night of Violence.  Revisiting grim, violent (in my opinion) films which neither Grace nor I would watch.  

I know which sofa and viewing schedule I’m booking in for!

This may have been a light and slightly left-field eZine for you this week but the intention is always to give us both something a bit different to think about and then, maybe, act upon…

A final word on the matter…


“I promise to love you every moment, forever…” ~ Edward Cullen character, Twilight (swoon) 

 And in other news…


This weekend we’re hosting Snowy’s team plus their partners and their kiddies for lunch.  I’ve got a clipboard with all the logistics mapped out (as you can imagine) and then plan to let go of it all being perfect…which it won’t be and focussing on it being fun, which hopefully it will be!  

Same as last year, my 2 WingWomen, Grace & Lucy will be helping with serving.  

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