And what else?

Such a simple phrase and so very magical too.  It’s as if you say “Abracadabra” to someone but – crucially – without saying it!

Hear me out…

When someone’s explaining something to you and wanting some input from you (same at home as at work) it’s very easy to take what they say initially as all there is to say.

Of course it isn’t.

They’ll give you the nuts and bolts, high level version and then (normally) stop for you to respond.

Instead though try this. 

  • We always have more to tell and we’re thinking about it as we stop AND if we’re asked “so, tell me a bit more about xxx” or “and what else about that Name?” or “say more about the XYZ part” 
  • It buys you more time to think about what they’re saying
  • AND it gives them the chance to unpack a little more of what’s going on or what they know.

You’re not just responding after that first delivery of information.

Sometimes, you have enough.  I get that of course.  Sometime there isn’t time.

  • There are other times though when you want to buy time, 
  • when you want to find out more, 
  • when you don’t want to commit yourself, just yet.

Try those phrases and notice what you notice.

You might get a response “No, nothing else ” or “That’s all I’ve got” but 9 times out of 10 you’ll find out more, hear more, be able to think more.  

All of which are good for you and for the person wanting your input.

Or in someone else’s words…


Best Quotes by Simon Sinek All In One Place - Simon Sinek

And in other news…


Miss Thelma, who’s now 6 months old, has been going to Puppy School for the last few weeks and Snowy & I are, of course, going along too!  She’s met 6 other pups and the biggest part of it all is to help her socialise.  Here she is in her harness, ready to show up and sparkle at Puppy School.  Snowy wasn’t keen on having another pup but he’s fallen for her pluckiness and her idolising of him 🤭🥳

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