Firm but Fair

Speaking at an online conference yesterday I was the closing Keynote.  

It felt quite a responsibility to bring a 2-day event in to land with a strong message and strong energy.

My 30 minute spot was entitled “Influencing Those Around You – Especially Upwards” and there were 98 participants in the ‘room’ wanting to hear about that.

My message was punchy and direct (a bit like I am in general…) and Snowy listened to it telling me afterwards that I was really ‘on it’ and from him, that’s praise indeed.

Why was I so on it, so fired up ?

Well, it comes down to this.  

So many of us – especially women – try to people please, be nice, avoid upsetting colleagues when, the reality is, you’re there to carry out your role.  

To get things done.  To be the professional you’ve been appointed to be.  Not to be navigated around or put up with or pushed about.

The audience were all in risk and compliance – an area of business which no business can avoid nor underestimate the importance of.  

So – my message about influencing yesterday was straightforward.

  • Remember what you’re there to do.
  • Remember the importance of what you do.
  • Remind others of the risk of ignoring your guidance or requests.

Instead of shrugging your shoulders and writing yet another email about deadlines etc, add in those words no-one likes to hear in the area you operate.  

In risk and compliance some of those are:

  • Exposure
  • Non compliant
  • Vulnerable
  • On the Regulators’ radar

And use them.  Regularly.

Pepper them into your emails and your conversations.  Don’t be afraid to grab them by the ears and the eyeballs as my Book Mentor Bob used to say.

I could tell by the comments that my words had hit the spot.

Why work any harder?  The effect of these kinds of words are almost always immediate.

People might wonder what’s happened to you and your ‘nice’ ways but so what?  

You’ve got responsibility to show up and show your own role is being carried out otherwise – guess what – you expose your own credibility and ability for criticism or worse… 

Being firm but fair is always a good balance and the firm part is most key.


But, you can work with what they don’t want to hear!

Kate Brian Quote: “You can't make people listen to you. People only hear  what they

And in other news…


When little Thelma first arrived Douglas was having none of it.  Ignored her, ran away from her.  And now…happy bedfellows.  Just needed time and for Douglas to realise she was a dog and not a pesky little guinea pig…


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• Shine In Interviews & One-to-Ones to show you how to maximise your opportunities to shine and make people sit up and listen to you 

• Q Is for Questions how to use questions to get what you want and how to never be lost for words again

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Kay White
Kate Brian Quote: “You can't make people listen to you. People only hear  what they