Nothing to say

Kay, it doesn’t matter – if there’s nothing to tell them, TELL them there’s nothing to tell them but whatever you do, TELL THEM…!” 😵‍💫

That was the somewhat regular and forceful directive from my boss back in my insurance broking days.  At first I didn’t understand it and thought it was a waste of time.  But…

The clear and spot on idea is simple.  

  • People hate to be left hanging.  
  • They want to know what’s going on.  
  • They are always grateful for an update.
  • They hope you’re on the case, not just ignoring them so they’re staring into a dark tunnel/screen with no news… 

It’s so simple to drop a quick update and buys you SO much credit from you client or connection.

London Underground used to have just a tunnel to stare at.  No news about how long until the next train.

SO frustrating.  You couldn’t decide whether to wait or go.  Now it’s so different and the updates are constant and so helpful.  “Next train to X in 4 minutes” “Next train to Y in 5 minutes” etc.

You don’t have to go into chapter and verse with excuses and hand wringing doing your update.  It’s more a courtesy drop by.

Here are a few examples of saying nothing BUT saying a lot at the same time…

  • Hi Jane, we didn’t get to see X today as he was at a conference but we have an appointment first thing in the morning.  Should have some news for you by lunchtime.”
  • Hi John, we’re waiting for one piece of information which should be with us tomorrow.  Let me call you by about 3pm UK time to update you.”
  • “Hi Jane, the head of X was off sick today so no further news about the Y but we’ll come back to you tomorrow when hopefully he’s in the office again.  Either way, will keep you posted.”

Can you see how simple these note are?

You’ll also notice how useful they are.  

Especially if you’re in another timezone… and you also have to think of your client who is normally updating someone else.

Rather than “No news from London” they can confidently say “they have an appointment first thing and will get back to us by 10am our time” 

So.  Let me encourage you, less forcefully than I was 🤭 to keep your client/connections updated, even when there’s no news…that is news!  And it buys you credit which you may well need another time…

Or in someone else’s words…


Thank you Rich Berens.  Spot. On.  Another spin on those KPIs…

And in other news…


Coming out of hibernation, Snow & I went out for lunch and for dinner for his birthday recently.  Last year we were in Barbados but we’ve scaled back this year … but there’s always Easter?!

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