
A quick note from me this week and one a message I know I needed to learn!  

Today I’m hosting an online Day of Magic with a group of clients and know this will be relevant to them too…

As I listened to 2 different private clients this week, the line from Snow White “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” went through my head…

They could both translate it to “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the meanest of them all?” and in both cases I’d have said YOU ARE.

 Bear with me here for a moment.

  • Both women were making all sorts of unreal expectations about their legacy in their roles.
  • Both were assuming everyone would care as much as they did…they won’t.
  • Both were speaking to themselves in ways they’d never speak to others nor allow others to speak to them.
  • Both were being meanies and both recognised it when I held up that Mirror Mirror…

Do pay attention to how you speak to yourself – you do, all the time.

You are often your harshest critic and you will often jump to conclusions which are just yours.  

We save ourselves so much energy and give ourselves more peace if we question what we’re saying to ourself.

First step is to listen…pay attention.  And one of my friends advised me as follows … in my case, she’s right.

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