This week I’ve been here, there and everywhere it seems – all without leaving our home or changing out of my slippers!
Hosting 3 different calls with mentoring groups in my evenings this week, as well as speaking to over 100 loss adjustors on one of the days, it felt I was ‘pouring’ myself down the airwaves. I gave up trying to style my ‘ever growing’ hair!
Sometimes, it can feel very ‘flat’ when you hit “Leave Meeting” and you’re just there, in the office, slippers still on and no one else there. I’m sure you can relate to that too?
Virtual can’t give you the buzz of being around people in the flesh and in the moment. But – we are where we are, working with what we have.
Writing this little eZine every week (since 2010) is another of those commitments, without feedback for the most part. Again, trusting I hit the right notes and bring you something of value to consider.
And then…
Receiving a few replies to my eZine last week when I shared I’d been unwell; a client sending me stunning flowers to say Thank You for a talk I gave; another client telling me “you draw us in and it’s as if you’re in the room with us” and a note, via LinkedIn with someone saying “I feel your gravitational spin Kay“. << that made me laugh too!
I’m not sharing this with you to impress you in any way, I don’t need to and it’s never my intention but what I am doing is encouraging you to give someone some feedback, a Thank You, a “wow that helped” kind of message when it occurs to you. Do it rather than think about doing it. It can make all the difference to that person.
It’s so easy to skim read things or listen to someone sharing and think “Hmm, that was really useful” or “I’m going to remember that, hadn’t thought of that” or whatever and then – move on.
Instead, by taking a few moments to tell that person what it meant, how you feel – you can literally change the shape of their day. (Bonus: they remember and appreciate you for doing this. Who knows when that can also be helpful for you?)
Ps …Can you believe we’re about to slip in to Q2 of 2021. Easter is on the horizon and Spring has already sprung. It can feel a blur at times with days much the same.
One of the things I’ve found to be really helpful this year is to keep a Gratitude Journal. Every. Single. Day. I write, for example, “It’s 26th March and today I’m grateful for…” and I write 5 things. Looking back over this quarter it’s a different way of reviewing your experience and I find myself noticing things which will go into my Journal later that day. Oh – and of course – I have a lovely sparkly notebook for it!
>> Incoming cute hound picture below.
Jeffrey learning to be gentle. Douglas learning to be brave. Me learning to be flexible and less fixed. Puppyworld is one I’ve never inhabited before.