Gently Does it

I wonder if you feel the same way?  Gradually our ‘lockdown’ is easing here and having spoken to many clients and friends, many of us feel uneasy at being out there again.  Someone even said she felt “borderline agoraphobic’.

We all have to respond to what’s next with our own set of personal boundaries and beliefs.  To vaccinate or not?  How many is enough?  When is time to be at larger gatherings?  When do I wear a mask/not? etc etc

It’s strange to consider being so considered about what we do, with whom, when and how after a lifetime (fortunately) of such choice and opportunity.  Snowy and I both agreed we want less noise in our social diaries going forward and are going to be fierce with our boundaries to keep it that way.    

How are you deciding, within the boundaries of what’s allowed where you are ?  Friends of mine have brazenly ignored the gathering rules and others are continuing with self-imposed lockdown and all the variations in between!  

My mantra is ‘gently does it‘…  

As with most things, you yourself get a sense of what feels right for you.  What you want to do (not what you’re told you should be doing) and that’s going to be my modus operandi.  

We met friends on the beach and sat in a socially-distanced circle – despite the wild weather last weekend, it was lovely to gather AND to stay apart.  For now.

A few handy phrases I’ve been using to reinforce my boundaries without being ‘judge-y’ but being clear.  If you’re in the ‘gently does it‘ camp too, these might be useful for you too , depending on your own choices:

  • Love that you’ve invited me, not ready yet but I will be soon.  Let’s chat on the phone/Zoom instead – when’s good for you?
  • Yes, I saw that was happening.  I’ll have to miss out this year/time but I’ll be there again soon
  • Happy to meet outside for now so where’s good for you?”

If you like your humour quick-fire, clever and really well delivered, let me recommend you to Eddie Izzard and his show ‘Force Majeure‘.  I am in AWE of his memory, literacy, humour, storytelling and ability to weave a web around a theme.

Force Majeure is currently on the BBC iPlayer here and here’s a quick clip from the show about his view on Dressage and how, err, weird it is (and it includes the F-bomb).

 Douglas Puppyhound Developments


Growing overnight every night!

 Listening intently to our friends, as was I 

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