The A to Z of Being Understood
Make Your Voice Heard and Your Conversations Count
Give me 5 minutes and I’ll show you how to be heard and have people sit up and take notice of you and what you’re saying.
Discover simple steps to dramatically increase the effectiveness of your communication so people are inspired to give you what you want, quickly and easily. Read my book and I’ll show you how to do it in less than 30 days.

“I love this book! In practical, straight-forward terms White teaches you how to communicate like a pro. Every page is filled with a tidbit of information you will want to burn into your memory.”
“In business as in life – to other people, you are what and how you communicate. The A to Z of Being Understood makes it easy and clear to understand how to be understood and why it’s so important for you. Just using one of the principles can change your life – and there are 26 to play with. Keep going back for another one and then work with them. Start to notice the difference in your results. Others will.”
“My job as a trial lawyer is to get judges and ultimately juries to understand, and embrace my clients’ case. When I need help in getting my message across, I reach into Kay White’s magic toolbox—The A to Z of Being Understood—to find a strategy or an approach that will help construct a winning argument. And when ticklish, tricky personnel and management matters land on my desk, Kay’s calming and common sense advice brings clarity and most often–a ready way forward.”
“If you think being understood is something that happens by lucky accident, well, you haven’t read this book yet. Leaping across generations, cultural divides, and even the genders in a single bound, who says we can’t turn the misery of misunderstanding into the glory of being understood, the first time! Thank goodness Kay White is here to make this simple, and clear—as crystal.”