You know when you’ve just achieved something significant?
You’ve completed a project or finalised something which has been taking up loads of time and TONS of your energy, that kind of thing? Do you notice how you can crumple up like a old crisp packet once it’s over?
It’s often when you take a break for a holiday and you’ve been building up to it – that’s when you get a cold or feel ropey and that’s when we need to be extra kind to ourselves.
How do I know this acutely this week?
Well. Mr Jeffrey, our precious hound who had his broken heart (truly, it was broken ) fixed – came home on Sunday last weekend.

The enormous relief of knowing he was home washed over us both and my husband Snowy and I felt that exhaustion that happens after something significant is completed or finalised.
- I’ve been feeling sleepy when I’d normally be raring to go
- Tears have been close to the surface for me when it’s not normally the case
- Silly things – dropping things, falling over out of my jeans
because I simply wasn’t paying attention
- Going to bed at 8pm and sleeping from 8.30pm until 6.30am the next day…
Instead of feeling weak or lily-livered about it or apologising in any way, I absolutely know it’s because I’ve been in a state of ‘high alert’waiting for news and hoping for the best.
When this happens for you, I do really encourage you to be kind to yourself too. To also – like I have – let others in to support you and also ask for what you want.
More sleep, more peace, less noise << those were my go-to needs this last week.
Jeffrey however, looks at me now as if I’m Nurse Ratched from the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (as defined by Wikipedia: A cold, heartless tyrant, Nurse Ratched has become the stereotype of the nurse as a battleaxe) – he’s not allowed to run, jump, walk far nor play with the other hounds and I’m in charge of that! Heyho…onwards!
In other news…
Facebook has been ‘helpfully’ reminding me how we’re normally on holiday in Barbados at this time. Well, it’s still there and we will be. Just not right now…