How & Why To Take A Chance On Yourself

Say “Yes” before you’re ready and then get ready… There are so many ways to say something and every way means something different to your listener as you say it. Imagine you’re in a meeting and someone asks if anyone is able to take on a new project or put some...

Waterskiing & Your Career

Stimulate your creative flow with something a bit different That expression “busy doing something else” is where your ideas and inspiration often comes from. It gives you the sense of being absorbed, concentrating, focused on something so other thoughts are put aside...

Take A Pause & Boost Your Presence

Less speed, more grace and ease Do you barrel from one thing to another at work? Do you find yourself finishing one meeting or phone call and then jumping straight into or onto the next? How about when you arrive at a meeting, do you like to get there early, settle...

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