Romance or violence?

My 28-year old niece Grace and I decided back in March this year to re-watch together the whole of the Twilight series of films.  All 5 of them. Now bear with me because if you’ve not heard of Twilight then the principle could be interesting...

How slow can you go?

As my inbox has been unusually quiet recently with clients and connections on their holidays, it made me wonder about myself. Why was I bothered?  What was it that was supposed to be happening at the moment that wasn’t?  What was I assuming it...

Sort of

As soon as I heard her say it my ears pricked up, I noted it down word for word and I waited until she’d finished. Starting work with a new client recently, we were discussing her focus, time, commitments and what kind of changes she wanted to make happen. It...


Here’s the thing, you can never know all the ripples of what you do and who you interact with. By ripples I mean effects.  The effects you have on others.  How you touch others’ lives. We have a pretty good idea from the feeling we have when...

A Writer Downer

As my client and I were kicking about the situation she was in, with the choices she had made, I heard myself say “well, you chose the choices you’ve chosen”.   We both stopped.  She said to me that the phrase was one to remember, a...

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