So, you may or may not have watched, be watching or be a fan of Ted Lasso?
Having just watched the final episode of this three series programme something struck me about what Ted says (well, many things struck me) but one of those is the phrase “Be a goldfish“.
Ted, an American comes to the UK to coach a UK football/soccer team.
His wisdom, confusion and kindness is at the heart of the series. It’s on AppleTV+ if you’re tempted!
It’s one of very few series we would, and will, watch again.
The phrase “Be a goldfish” when Ted says it is an encouragement to quickly learn.. then let go. The essence being a goldfish supposedly only has a short, 10 seconds it’s said, memory.

We, on the other hand, don’t.
As women particularly we can overthink, beat ourselves up, be more of an elephant than a goldfish when something goes wrong or we make a misstep.
Instead of going back and forth with the whys and wherefores and should-haves , we could decide to be kinder to ourselves. Let go. Learn … and move through things more quickly and easily. Think of all the energy you save.
Easy to say, yes I know, AND it’s worth trying to do.
The first step is being conscious that you’re doing it and want to do something differently…
One of my early NLP teachers, Richard Bandler, would say along the lines of “often, the best thing about the past is that it’s in the past” when helping people move through bad situations or habits with hypnosis.
So, where can you be more of a goldfish?
- At work where inevitably missteps or misunderstandings occur?
- At home where it’s easy to upset or be upset and get stuck in the emotion?
- With friends who can sometimes let us down, intentionally or, mainly, unintentionally?

In other news…
My first ever boss Ted (I was 18 when I started working with him) said he saw me, one day, with long dogs. Sighthounds. This image is one he foresaw for me. Snowy my husband says I’m like a longdog myself. Long legs, big nose. At 6 foot tall as I am, I’m OK with that! This was an image Ted had of me and whilst I’m not nearly so glam nor elegant, I do love being owned by longdogs !
With Miss Gina here below in the foreground, she’s still so missed. I sense we might expand our pack again to 3 fairly soon…