Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...Circular Moments
Last week I was 'clothed' in a Ceremony as part of now being a Freemanof the City of London. When a Freeman becomes a Liveryman the candidate is said to be 'clothed' and I, along with 6 other Freeman, made an individual declaration in front of the Master and...
Teary no more
We've just returned from Abu Dhabi. A week in the sunshine with no agenda. Before we left I felt 'full' and close to tears a lot of the time. Since 26 December 2021 I've been focussed on the house we found online, on that day. Kind of by accident we found...
Change of Scene
Snowy was fed up with his 'feature' wall in his Home Office. We'd inherited it when we moved home in April and he felt it was too floral and busy and wanted a change. I agreed with him. Where to start with so much choice? How long would it take?...
Surprisingly Emotional
Last Friday I was awarded the Freedom of the City of London. It was an honour to go to Guildhall in the City and be guided through a ceremony which goes back it is believed, virtually unchanged, to 1237. As explained by the City of London website: "The medieval...
It’s a two-way street
As the meeting started it hit me - we're all in this together AND the organisation I'd just said "Yes" to work with were also needing to be congratulated! Let me explain... Having been accepted as a coach and facilitator for a US company starting up here in the UK, 6...
Q not the A
When someone asks you for your advice, it's often better to ask them another question first. Not just supply the answer. I don't mean this to be irritating or dodging the question. It's more about helping the other person to be clearer. It helps you to help them....
Drink my Own Medicine
Ha! One of my clients laughed when I shared with the Group I'd noticed how I was drinking my own medicine. She said it was good to know it worked for me too 😉. A colleague introduced me to a start up virtual coaching organisation in the US. She...
Quiet Please
Yesterday we hosted a meeting for 12 of Snowy's C-suite in our new home. It's a thing they do to get out of the office a couple of times a year, go somewhere a bit different and plan and plot for the year/s ahead. When Snowy told me he'd offered our new home as...
More specificity please
There is no doubt Queen Elizabeth II had impact. People have been referring to her 'quiet power' and her ability to keep going and the saying and embodiment of "never explain, never complain" and a myriad of other impactful phrases. This is the thing about...
Half mast
It was with sadness last night that we learned of the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, our nation's Queen. For us Brits, this is a sad day. I feel at half-mast too, just as all our flags are flying. Of course there's always change...