Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...You just don’t know
When Snowy told me that Taylor Hawkins had died last weekend, I was so shocked. He was only 50 and appeared to be at the absolute top of his game. Drummer in the number 1 rock band in the world for near 20 years - Foo Fighters. Living...
Does that make sense?
That phrase "Does that make sense?" drives me insane! It's often used as a filler or part of what's called a Yes Set in sales ie getting you to say yes, yes, yes so that when you come to the 'decision' you're in the Yes mode. Well, here's why it drives...
Noticing what you notice
Hello there In the last week I have been out and about and in and out in a number of different ways! First time at a LIVE Event for 2 yearsAn online Day of Magic with 10 clients focussing on their careersStaying with my sis in Margate as she...
Are you really?
"Sorry, is it Ok to..." or "Sorry, it's only me" or "Sorry" (someone bumps into you and you say sorry...) If you're a default-sorrier (not a real word but you know what I mean) then this truly is worth paying attention to. "Sorry" when you're...
Stick to the plan
I'm all for flexing and going with the flow rather than being TOO fixed about things. Sometimes though, when faced with a challenge, sticking to the plan and keeping going is the thing to do. To challenge back or push back on cancelling something...
The Carousel
This quote by Pharrell Williams spoke to me, particularly this week. "Life is a carousel. It goes up and down. All you gotta do is just stay on." In a week experiencing here wild storms and winds, power cuts, hail and snow PLUS a variety of...
All Change
You may be finding this in your world too at the moment? So many things are shifting and changing ALL at the same time. Friends are moving house and leaving partners My sister's moving countries at Easter My niece is moving to a new home next...
The threads still there
You know when you've arranged to do something and then, at the last minute you often question if you still want to do it? I had that exact feeling last Saturday morning. Having met up with a big group of school friends at a reunion in...
Allow it to be Ok
You know when you've just achieved something significant? You've completed a project or finalised something which has been taking up loads of time and TONS of your energy, that kind of thing? Do you notice how you can crumple up like a old...
Buckle Up
Talk about being on a rollercoaster recently! As Jeffrey, our precious Beddlington Whippet who had a 'broken heart' (and has had 2 life-saving ops) was recovering, it was discovered he had a blood clot in his leg. After heart surgery this is not uncommon but...