Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...Counterintuitive Worked
"Kay, surely you'll be cancelling everything next week?" was the advice a friend gave me. Why? With a flurry of activity in our world with our hound Jeffrey going in for emergency heart surgery and a number of events I said "Yes" to recently - it would have...
Shiny and New
The phone rang about an hour ago and I caught my breath. It was the Specialist Vet Heart Surgeon calling. One of our hounds (Jeffrey, the smallest and naughtiest) has a heart condition. Without surgery we've been told he has only about 10 to 12 months to live....
What will yours be?
First things first. Wishing you a Healthy & Happy 2022 full of the things AND the people you want and love the most. What a thought that is! As someone who long ago stopped making New Year Resolutions as I found them uninspiring and a bit like...
Handy, Especially Now
When Jane asked me "How do I stop people's negativity from bringing me down?" she meant it with the best intention. Jane is in a senior position where she is often the brunt of people's frustration or indignation and, as such, she's finding she takes on too much of...
Do you know about this?
When you ask someone a question beginning with 'Why' you need to know something which many people just don't. ‘Why’ is such a small and yet powerful word to notice, to understand and to be aware of as you use it. Really, why? Well, it does two things very...
Grab ’em by the ears or eyeballs
When a client tells me how she's struggling to get people to respond to her or to get into action in a way they said they would, I always ask her "So what's in it for them?" and "What did you say would happen next?" These two questions are subtle and magical if you...
It’s Natural
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” ~ Nora Roberts You’ve been offered the role, opportunity or the promotion. Do you say...
So Obvious
Looking through the window, with 10 minutes of the class to go, I told myself "Oh how I'd love to be in there doing that". I was watching an old-school Aerobics class led by Pete. Thumping dance music, shouting and a room full of women (and men) moving in...
Right Under Your Nose
In the film Sliding Doors (recommend if you haven't seen it) the whole film is based around the moments that define your life path AND what would happen if you did, or didn't, do something. It's kind of a story in parallel where Gwyneth...
Just send it
"Just send it out, no apology, and see what happens" that was my client's decision. Jane, let's call her Jane, had been chasing her tail and making allowances for one of the Senior Leadership Team in her company. As Head of Governance she has a...