Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...Careful Who You Listen To
"Oh but Kay, you'll be so lonely.." I'd just told my dear Mum that my partner Steve and I were splitting up. It was the year 2000 and so many things shifted for so many of us. I knew Steve and I weren't going to make it into this new Millennium together and, in...
Don’t just ignore it
When you've made something happen, achieved something, put something right, done something you've been putting off - when, in other words, you put your mind to something and it happens, how do you celebrate? Do you celebrate? How do you acknowledge...
It was funny and a lesson
"Kay, what's a secretary?" "Oh and what does being good at shorthand and typing mean?" What?! I was speaking as part of panel for an education initiative for the Chartered Insurance Institute and The Lord Mayor's Appeal Charity. I was one of four...
Remember to Ask
I'll always remember discovering the quote by American author Nora Roberts and the difference it's made to me and to a myriad of clients! The key phrase in there for me is "if you don't ask, the answer is always no." We assume people know we want what we...
Training for the Next One
When something you've been building up to goes very right or, indeed, wrong or doesn't hit the mark, it's all training for the next one... One of my own precious Mentors, Andrea, said that to me when I spoke about all the things that went right and...
Gently Does it
I wonder if you feel the same way? Gradually our 'lockdown' is easing here and having spoken to many clients and friends, many of us feel uneasy at being out there again. Someone even said she felt "borderline agoraphobic'. We all have to respond to...
It’s OK you know
Does it seem to you that life's something of a blur at the moment? As if the months/days are whizzing by? It's May tomorrow - what?! Yup. It sort of feels as if it was Christmas yesterday and yet, Easter's somehow been squeezed in between...
The Show Must Go On
You know how it is as you prepare yourself to be 'on' - on stage, on camera, on Zoom, 'on' - by that I mean showing up and offering value, contributing and, metaphorically at the moment, putting your best foot forward? Well, a client...
Chess Lessons Everywhere
When I watched The Queen's Gambit show on Netflix last year that's when I decided. For years I'd wanted to understand and then play Chess. Where to start? Who to ask? How to learn? Snowy my husband plays and I knew he wasn't going to be...
Bridge Burning
“Don’t burn bridges. The person you throw under the bus today could be driving it tomorrow.” ~ Glenn Shepard It might just be Spring, it could also be the end of Q1 and here we are in Q2 but many of my clients are thinking about - or acting upon - moving roles....