
Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...

Hounds & Career Success

The career lessons are everywhere. Just notice. Dear Bolly, our first ever rescue Lurcher may have passed on 5 years ago this month and it may sound whimsical or indulgent to share with you career success traits which I learned from our hound but, I'm going to....


Watch Your Speed

Pacing - It affects IF or HOW people listen to you. Pace, what do I mean by that?   So many speakers, presenters, team leaders, clients of mine race through their content, their ideas, their input and, the truth is, a lot of the time they’ll...


Keeping a Little Back

Having spoken on 3 different 'virtual' stages in less than 24 hours this week, I may feel a little crumpled but at the same time, elated. You may notice this in yourself that the build up to doing something important takes mental and often physical energy and then the...


Lessons and the Afterglow

This time last week I was on my 'virtual' stage in our home.  Our sitting room had been transformed into a studio for me to broadcast my first ever live virtual event:  Blaze Your Own Trail. What a ride it was!  The build up the day...


Fighter Pilot or Tap Dancer or?

When you were growing up, what was your ambition to 'be'...was it a nurse, a doctor, fighter pilot, tap dancer?!  When I asked this question recently on my Facebook wall the responses were varied, funny, bittersweet and sometimes SPOT on for what the...


Second Chances

You may have heard of Russell Brand?  He made his name as a standup comedian then film actor (and first husband of Katy Perry). He had all sorts of brilliant going on for him at the same time as addictions and behaviours which nearly killed him....


Sunshine and Cloud Moments

Well, I do believe our lives are filled with sunshine and clouds.  At the same time as joyful, fun, pleasant surprises come to us, so do tests and tricky, unpleasant surprises and situations too.  One doesn't have to cancel out the other but we do need...


It’s The Law of Cause & Effect

Interestingly, most women want to punch me when I tell them what I’m about to tell you!  It is, however, a problem which I genuinely have noticed and one which affects me in many ways. As a result of deciding to shift my diet and eating...


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