Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
Rolling the dice on your career moves “It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures.” ~ Oprah Winfrey The multi-million dollar question, as is said – should I stay or should I go? How do we ever know if what...
7 Words Your Boss Wants To Hear
What I know for sure is that people like certainty. When someone steps up and says an assertive “Yes” to an idea or an opportunity there’s often a palpable sigh of relief. There are so many ways to say something and every way means something...
Stop Shooting From The Lip
How to zip-it and give yourself breathing space This is a tricky one for so many of us. Wait. Pause. Think a bit. Choose if you’re going to act; to respond. To ‘Zip it’ is such a useful little phrase and it’s easy to remember. It’s so easy to assume we have to...
Just Go To Bed
Decide what works for you and then, politely go. Have you ever said “Yes OK” when you know you mean “No way”? Well, I know I have and now, I rarely do. Listening to a group of experienced, professional and successful women recently, the discussion was around how...
Do You Show Them What You’re Made Of?
Remember your brilliance so others can reward you for it. If you’ve ever heard yourself say any of the following, it gives us a sign you’ve forgotten some of the things that you’re really good at or you’ve forgotten some of the key pieces of your career and life...
Watch Your Pace When Speaking
It affects IF or HOW people listen to you. Pace, what do I mean by that? Being used to hosting webinars, tele seminars and Live Events, so much is about your rate and your speed of delivery. So many clients of mine race through their content, their ideas, their input...
Gratitude: 2 Small Words Change Everything
The lessons are everywhere. Just notice. It’s such a small thing to say ‘thank you’ and these two small words cost you absolutely nothing and yet make a huge difference to if and how people remember you – and respond to you. Thanking people is often the difference...
7 Career Success Traits Learned From Bollydog
The lessons are everywhere. Just notice. Dear Bolly may have passed on 3 years ago this month and it may sound whimsical or indulgent to share with you career success traits which I’ve learned from our hound but, I am. On a number of levels, I realise how many lessons...
How To Embrace The Challenge Of Change
Go with the flow of the opportunities and rise to meet them as they arrive. It’s one of my go-to books. Each year I read ‘Who Moved My Cheese’ by Ken Blanchard which reminds me how to recognise change and expect it. Not to sit like a rabbit in the headlights and hold...
Ownership – You Must OWN Your Skills & Experience
‘Career progression often depends on taking risks and advocating for oneself – traits that girls are discouraged from exhibiting.’ ~ Sheryl Sandberg Taking ownership and acknowledging your own part in results is crucial to your visibility, confidence and others’...