Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...Go On, Prove It
‘You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.’ ~ A. A. Milne in ‘Winnie The Pooh’ You know how it is when someone asks you to talk about recent successes and you stare back at them blankly? Or when you’re coming up to your...
Are You “Should-ing” All Over Everyone?
3 Easier Ways for People to Take On Your Advice “Now, what you should do is…” “Well, it’s obvious, you should do this, then you should do that and then you should tell them you’ve done it”. Should do. What you should do and what you want to and actually do are often...
How “Out of the Office” Are YOU?
How to show up and sparkle at work – even when you’re on holiday. “It’s the dilemma that’s so common now – when you’re “Out of the Office” just how “Out” of the office are you? With the holiday season upon us, this is a timely way to plan your exit strategy and still...
Worthiness – Your Sense of Being Enough
“You are enough.” ~ The Universe This is one of those words, worthy, which can set your teeth jangling. Am I worthy of this? Who am I to be worthy or deserving of doing this or of having this? It’s a self-reflection moment and a decision that you make for you all...
How To Be A Good Leaver
Be grateful (and don’t burn your bridges) “Don’t burn bridges. The person you throw under the bus today could be driving it tomorrow.” ~ Glenn Shepard Whatever your reason for moving on, there’s always something to be grateful and gracious about. Even if you’re...
How Often Are You Up Close – And Personal?
There’s no substitute for the ‘LIVE’ or personalised version of You It’s easy to get lulled into this false sense of reality isn’t it? Instead of picking up the phone to speak to someone, you drop them an email or send them a message or a text. Instead of dropping...
Research & Be Curious
Cast Your Net W-i-d-e “Research is formalised curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.” ~ Zora Heale Hurston It does help, of course, if you know what you’re looking for. In any situation - from a shop to a dating site, from a holiday to a car; the more...
Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
Rolling the dice on your career moves “It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures.” ~ Oprah Winfrey The multi-million dollar question, as is said – should I stay or should I go? How do we ever know if what...
Caring For Yourself, First
Being more self-ish is good for everyone If, or how you care for yourself or indeed if you put yourself first is something so many women struggle with. Women, in general, expect to be towards the back of the queue when it comes to looking after ourselves. This is a...
How To Get Your Message Across With A Story
A Simple Question to Ask Yourself Think of any film you’ve seen that grabbed you. What about a TV series you follow, or a book you read and re-read or share? They’ll all have grabbed your attention and kept it with a story. The story that’s threaded and woven...