Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...What’s Your “Unfair” Advantage (And Do You Even Know About It)?
Working with career women keen to raise their visibility and influence at work, this is one of the first places I start with them. “Let’s find your unfair advantage or your Secret Sauce” I say. I start with this question. “What is it about you or what has...
How & Why To Take A Chance On Yourself
Say “Yes” before you’re ready and then get ready… There are so many ways to say something and every way means something different to your listener as you say it. Imagine you’re in a meeting and someone asks if anyone is able to take on a new project or put...
Waterskiing & Your Career
Stimulate your creative flow with something a bit different That expression “busy doing something else” is where your ideas and inspiration often comes from. It gives you the sense of being absorbed, concentrating, focused on something so other thoughts are put aside...
Tweak 2 Letters And Change Everything
Planning 2018 for how and where you are NOW “Mind your Language” is a great piece of advice, truly mind it. Think about it. Think about the effect it has on you and then on those around you as you use it. As a self-confessed WordNerd it’s one of my passions that my...
Zip It And Assertively Wait
Masterful Inactivity Isn’t Passive….it's a choice How to zip-it and give yourself breathing space. How to respond and how to avoid just reacting. This is a tricky one for so many of us. Wait. Pause. Think a bit. Choose if you’re going to act; to respond. To ‘Zip it’...
Do You Really Show Them What You’re Made Of?
Remember to know AND show your brilliance so others can reward you for it. If you’ve ever heard yourself say any of the following, it gives us a sign you’ve forgotten some of the things that you’re really good at or you’ve forgotten some of the key pieces of your...
A Moment In Time AND Confronting Idea For You
"To truly cherish the things that are important to you, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose. To throw away what you no longer need is neither wasteful nor shameful. Let them go, with gratitude. Not only you, but your things as well, will feel...
How Up Close And Personal Are You?
At times, there’s no substitute for the ‘LIVE’ or personalised version of You It’s easy to get lulled into this false sense of reality isn’t it? Instead of picking up the phone to speak to someone, you drop them an email or send them a message or a text. Instead of...
Gratitude: 2 Small Words Change Everything
It’s such a small thing to say ‘thank you’ and these two small words cost you absolutely nothing and yet make a huge difference to if and how people remember you – and respond to you. Thanking people is often the difference that makes the difference as to whether...
Do You Ride Your Emotions?
Or are you at their mercy? It was the start of a meeting with a potential new client. We sat discussing what was going on with his team and why some of the key people were avoiding communicating with each other. Let’s call him John, he said something along the lines...