Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...Practice Your Pillow Talk
Give clear, distinct messages at work (and home) It’s so easy to lose your message, your audience, their attention, their trust by using ‘weasel’ words. By using ‘gobbledeegook’ if you will – and it’s everywhere, like an epidemic. With the pace of information being...
Learning From Our Teachers
There's always a lesson (and a teacher) if you look It’s easy isn’t it, to associate being taught and having teachers to being at school? Who wants to think of themselves at school all their life and yet, in reality, we are. I know I am. Someone once said to me “Kay,...
Slow Things Down And Save Time
Respond rather than react (and save precious time, money and energy) Slow down to speed things up. Yes, I know – it’s a dichotomy (a polar opposite, a contrariety) to say you have to slow down to speed things up. Well it’s true. So often we think we have to decide on...
How “Out of the Office” Are YOU?
How to show up and sparkle at work – even when you’re on holiday. “It’s the dilemma that’s so common now – when you’re “Out of the Office” just how “Out” of the office are you? With the holiday season upon us, this is a timely way to plan your exit strategy and still...
Are You “Should-ing” All Over Everyone?
3 Easier Ways for People to Take On Your Advice “Now, what you should do is…” “Well, it’s obvious, you should do this, then you should do that and then you should tell them you’ve done it”. Should do. What you should do and what you want to and actually do are often...
Be A 5 Year Old Again – I Dare You
A quick question to get to the heart of what’s going on. This was one of a few key questions I asked a group of CEOs and senior directors I worked with recently as we focused on communicating with influence. This question, as basic as it sounds, really helps people...
How Often Are You Up Close – And Personal?
There’s no substitute for the ‘LIVE’ or personalised version of You It’s easy to get lulled into this false sense of reality isn’t it? Instead of picking up the phone to speak to someone, you drop them an email or send them a message or a text. Instead of dropping...
Watch Your Pace When Speaking
It affects IF or HOW people listen to you. Pace, what do I mean by that? It’s about your rate and your speed of delivery. So many clients of mine race through their content, their ideas, their input and, the truth is, a lot of the time they’ll be tuned out by those...
Adjust Yourself To Where You Find Yourself
The new ‘normal’ is always shifting Here are 3 key lessons I’ve learned from adopting Jeffrey Hound, our newest rescue sighthound. The lessons cross over into our lives and, I believe, especially when you’re starting a new role or a job inside a new organisation. You...
How To Embrace The Challenge Of Change
Go with the flow of the opportunities. It’s one of my go-to books. Each year I read ‘Who Moved My Cheese’ by Ken Blanchard which reminds me how to recognise change and expect it. Not to sit like a rabbit in the headlights and hold my head saying things aren’t fair....