
Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...

The Power Of The C Word

Choose your words wisely. Your words have power over you and what you think about - and the same applies to those who hear you - if they listen to you of course. When you're asked to be present at something, if you can make a date or if you have time to do something I...


Detox Your Relationships

Now here's a confronting idea for you. "To truly cherish the things that are important to you, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose. To throw away what you no longer need is neither wasteful nor shameful. Let them go, with gratitude. Not only...


Where Have You Done This?

I can see it all now, just like it was yesterday. Every Tuesday night, I used to arrive for a Step Class and would watch, wistfully, through the window at the class just finishing. Everyone moving in syncronicity and with the thumping dance music and all the flow of...


How “Out of the Office” Are YOU?

How to show up and sparkle at work – even when you’re on holiday. It’s the dilemma that’s so common now – when you’re “Out of the Office” just how “Out” of the office are you? With the holiday season upon us, this is a timely way to plan your exit strategy and still...


Stop Saying Sorry

Especially if you don’t really mean it. “I’m so sorry, Oh sorry about that , hey there sorry to bother you, Oh, sorry it’s only me” – and on it goes. Saying sorry when, in truth, we don’t really mean we’re sorry —it’s often more about something to say than necessary...


The Power Of Switching A Word

Choose your words wisely. Your words have power over you and what you think about – and the same applies to those who hear you – if they listen to you of course. When you’re asked to be present at something, if you can make a date or if you have time to do something I...


Do You Show Them What You’re Made Of?

Remember your brilliance so others can reward you for it If you’ve ever heard yourself say any of the following, it gives us a sign you’ve forgotten some of the things that you’re really good at or you’ve forgotten some of the key pieces of your career and life...


What State Are You In?

Understand how emotions shift in us all day long and how to best navigate them It was the start of a meeting with a potential new client. As we sat discussing what was going on with his team, and why some of the key people were avoiding communicating with each other,...


How Often Are You Up Close – And Personal?

There’s no substitute for the ‘LIVE’ or personalised version of You It’s easy to get lulled into this false sense of reality isn’t it? Instead of picking up the phone to speak to someone, you drop them an email or send them a message or a text. Instead of dropping...


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