
Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...

Give People The Meaning

Avoid leaving them grappling for what you really mean We are all meaning-seeking machines. Well, what I mean by that is we naturally go inside our heads when we hear, read, see something and try to put meaning around it. Put context or a framework around something to...


Ask For What It Is You Actually Want

Avoid confusing matters by focussing on what you don’t want! I hear this so often “Oh Kay, I just don’t want to XYZ” or “Oh, it’s so annoying, I don’t want to get wound up by X” or “I just don’t want to make that mistake again” and so it goes on. Can you see how the...


Help People Find You!

Do you show up when you’re trying to be heard? How often do you attend a meeting, an event, a conference and this happens? Someone asks a question or requests some information and they don’t give you, the audience, their details. When it comes to showing up at a...


Tweak 2 Letters And Change Everything

Planning 2016 for how and where you are now “Mind your Language” is a great piece of advice, truly mind it. Think about it. Think about the effect it has on you and then on those around you as you use it. As a self-confessed WordNerd it’s one of my passions that my...


Zip It And Assertively Wait

Stop shooting from the lip How to zip-it and give yourself breathing space This is a tricky one for so many of us. Wait. Pause. Think a bit. Choose if Moneyyou’re going to act; to respond. To ‘Zip it’ is such a useful little phrase and it’s easy to remember. It’s so...


Just Go To Bed

Decide what works for YOU then, politely and firmly go and do it. Have you ever said “Yes OK” when you know you mean “No way”? Well, I know I have and now, I rarely do. Listening to a group of experienced, profe ssional and successful women recently, the discussion...


Move On When You’re Ready

How to avoid being stuck in a conversation We’ve all been there haven’t we? You’re at a social function, a networking event, a business conference and your intention is to circulate, meet new people, catch up with colleagues and friends - and then you get stuck. You...


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