
Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...

Connect And Compel As You Write

Write to engage and keep people's attention Think about how you write? Think about how you think about other people as you write – if you think about other people as you write? It’s one of the easiest things to do – just quickly type or write what you ‘think’ needs to...


Gratitude: 2 Small Words Change Everything

Use them more and make things easier for yourself Gratitude - Being and showing you're grateful. It’s such a small thing to say ‘thank you’ and these two small words cost you absolutely nothing and yet make a huge difference to if and how people remember you - and...


Slow Things Down

Respond rather than react (and save time, money and energy) Slow down to speed things up. Yes, I know – it’s a dichotomy (I had to look it up – a polar opposite, a contrariety) to say you have to slow down to speed things up. Well it’s true. So often we think we have...


Just Go To Bed

Decide what works for you and then, politely go Have you ever said “Yes OK” when you know you mean “No way”?  Well, I know I have and now, I rarely do. Listening to a group of experienced, professional and successful women recently, the discussion was around how to go...


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