Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...Do You Take No For An Answer?
As career women navigate their path inside corporations they so often tell me about something they ‘wish’ they could have or do or be involved in and so often my first question is “Well… they know that?” or “who have you asked about that?” I’m often either...
How Up Close And Personal Are You?
There’s no substitute for the ‘LIVE’ or personalised version of You It’s easy to get lulled into this false sense of reality isn’t it? Instead of picking up the phone to speak to someone, you drop them an email or send them a message or a text. Instead of...
Are You “Should-ing” All Over Everyone?
3 Easy Ways for People to Take On Your Advice “Now, what you should do is…” “Well, it’s obvious, you should do this, then you should do that and then you should tell them you’ve done it”. Should do. What you should do and what you want to and actually do are often...
A Well-Planned Pause, Intentional Pause
Make pausing part of your conversations I don’t know about you but it’s easy to find yourself on a ‘gabbling to no-where.’. That’s a phrase a client used and it’s spot on for what can happen when you don’t give yourself time to breathe and, most importantly and...
Run Your Own Race At Work
It keeps you nimble and resourceful Do you find yourself looking around or over your shoulder trying to keep up or make sure no-one else gets ahead of you? We can all waste tons of time and energy concentrating on what everyone else is up to and forget to focus on our...
Strategic For Your Profile – And So Rarely Done!
Do you Show up when you're trying to be heard? How often do you attend a meeting, an event, a conference and this happens? Someone asks a question or requests some information and they don’t give you, the audience, their details. When it comes to showing up at a...
There’s Always A Lesson
Taking the rough with the smooth and learning from it I’ve always been a half-full kind of person. If there’s a way to find the bright side in a situation or the best way forward, I like to think I’ll find it. I named my businesses Way Forward Coaching and Way...
Do You Show Them What You’re Made Of?
Remember your brilliance so others can reward you for it. If you’ve ever heard yourself say any of the following, it gives us a sign you’ve forgotten some of the things that you’re really good at or you’ve forgotten some of the key pieces of your career and life...
How’s Your Pillow Talk?
Engage as you explain It’s so easy to lose your message, your audience, their attention, their trust by using ‘weasel’ words. By using ‘gobbledeegook’ if you will – and it’s everywhere, like an epidemic. With the pace of information being shared, the cultures which...
How “Out of the Office” Are YOU?
How to show up and sparkle at work - when you're on holiday... It’s the dilemma that’s so common now – when you’re “Out of the Office” just how “Out” of the office are you? With the holiday season right around the corner, this is a timely way to plan your exit...