
Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...

How Out-of-Office Are You?

How to show up and sparkle at work – when you’re not there! It’s the dilemma that’s so common now – when you’re  “Out of the Office”, just how “Out” of the office are you? Having collected some ‘jaw-droppingly bad’ out-of-office bouncebacks over the years I thought it...


Influencing Skills: Do You Know Your Value?

How valuable are you, and can you talk about it? That expression ‘talk is cheap’ is a common one. The idea that words mean less than actions was the intention of this expression but in actual fact, talk can be expensive, it can be valuable, it can be discounted and it...


Connect And Compel As You Write

Write to engage and keep people's attention - so many people do the opposite! Think about how you write? Think about how you think about other people as you write – if you think about other people as you write? It’s one of the easiest things to do – just quickly type...


5 Words To Keep You Grounded

For today, I want to share with you something I did at the beginning of 2013. I picked five words at the beginning of the year to make 'my words' for 2013 and so far, crikey, what a difference they've made. Would you like to join me in doing this too? Rather than just...


Do You Scare People Off When You Speak?

How to inspire instead of being scary We’ve all heard someone start off with “Well, the trouble is” or “What worries me is” haven’t we?   Or what about the classic “Now, our first problem is” – talk about putting you on your back foot and priming you for ‘trouble...


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