Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...The Difference A Good Name Makes
How to influence action with ease It’s often the difference between success and failure, or ‘yes please’ and ‘no thanks’ – naming a product, naming a project, naming a team, naming whatever. Giving something a name which is compelling, inviting, something that...
Word Up: Tenacious
Welcome to the "Word Up” – inspiration and insights on everyday words; exploring the power and meaning behind them. “When words are kind and true, they can change our world” ~ Buddha Tenacious > Not readily letting go of, giving up, or separated from an object hat...
Surprise Yourself: Your Influence And Inspiration
Notice what you notice That expression “busy doing something else” is where your ideas and inspiration often comes from. It gives you the sense of being absorbed, concentrating, focused on something so other thoughts are put aside or take a back seat. It’s something...
Word Up: Elegant
Welcome to the "Word Up” – inspiration and insights on everyday words; exploring the power and meaning behind them. “When words are kind and true, they can change our world” ~ Buddha Elegant > Pleasingly graceful and stylish in appearance or manner. So, when you...
Choose Your High Five Words
The idea is that you choose five words to use to guide you, to help you make decisions, to make it easier to say Yes or No to things. A lot of people have suggested picking one word for your year. I believe five help you more. They seem to interconnect and...
Word Up: Influence
Welcome to the "Word Up” – inspiration and insights on everyday words; exploring the power and meaning behind them. “When words are kind and true, they can change our world” ~ Buddha Influence > The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or...
Can You Get To The Point?
Keep attention, say your piece. Be clear. We’ve all been there haven't we? Sat in meetings, in presentations, at lunches when someone has been rambling on or pontificating about something and we’ve asked ourselves ‘what’s your point?’ or ‘I wonder what the point is...
Word Up of the Week: Commitment
Welcome to the "Word Up” for this week – inspiration and insights on everyday words; exploring the power and meaning behind them. “When words are kind and true, they can change our world” ~ Buddha Commitment > The act of committing or the state of being committed....
Tweak 2 Letters and Change Everything
Plan 2013 for where you are and what you want now “Mind your Language” is a great piece of advice, truly mind it. Think about the effect it has on you and then on those around you as you use it. It’s one of my passions for my clients that they really “get” how...
Word Up of the Week: Perseverance
Welcome to the "Word Up” for this week – inspiration and insights on everyday words; exploring the power and meaning behind them. “When words are kind and true, they can change our world” ~ Buddha Perseverance > Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty...