
Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...

The Difference A Good Name Makes

How to influence action with ease It’s often the difference between success and failure, or ‘yes please’ and ‘no thanks’ – naming a product, naming a project, naming a team, naming whatever.  Giving something a name which is compelling, inviting, something that...


Word Up: Tenacious

Welcome to the "Word Up” – inspiration and insights on everyday words; exploring the power and meaning behind them. “When words are kind and true, they can change our world” ~ Buddha Tenacious > Not readily letting go of, giving up, or separated from an object hat...


Word Up: Elegant

Welcome to the "Word Up” – inspiration and insights on everyday words; exploring the power and meaning behind them. “When words are kind and true, they can change our world” ~ Buddha Elegant > Pleasingly graceful and stylish in appearance or manner. So, when you...


Word Up: Influence

Welcome to the "Word Up” – inspiration and insights on everyday words; exploring the power and meaning behind them. “When words are kind and true, they can change our world” ~ Buddha Influence > The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or...


Word Up of the Week: Commitment

Welcome to the "Word Up” for this week – inspiration and insights on everyday words; exploring the power and meaning behind them. “When words are kind and true, they can change our world” ~ Buddha Commitment > The act of committing or the state of being committed....


Word Up of the Week: Perseverance

Welcome to the "Word Up” for this week – inspiration and insights on everyday words; exploring the power and meaning behind them. “When words are kind and true, they can change our world” ~ Buddha Perseverance > Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty...


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