Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...Super Power
If you can master the superpower of silence it will amaze you! So many people - women particularly - struggle with silence. Need to fill the space. Keep talking when they should stop. Find the silence uncomfortable. But. Silence is a...
All change!
It just wasn't making sense to me anymore. I had that nagging feeling that I needed to change a decision and, at the same time, didn't want to let anyone down. I'm sure you can relate to this too AND then it came to me. If the resistance I'm feeling to getting...
Short and Sweet
When my client had finished her short, factual and on-point explanation to the Board, the Chair said "Oh, gosh - is that all Jane?". Let's call her Jane. Normally, Jane would have told the Board the background (it's in the Board papers) and explained the...
Muscle Memory
Well, I did it! For the first time in over 4 years I showed up LIVE and spoke to an audience for about 60 minutes. I have been speaking, presenting, hosting etc online all the time during this 4 year gap but it's different being live and in the room....
No Slippers this time
For the first time in 4 years I'm speaking to a live audience about career acceleration and strategies for success. "So what?" you might think. It's what I do and have done for years. But. For the first time since 2019 I'm speaking in person for about 90...
Get Unstuck
One of my most effective ways to get myself unstuck is to get up and walk away. I know it sounds contrary when you might be sitting there in a meeting scratching your head or squabbling with a colleague but, you might just save tons of time, energy AND find the...
Do you do this too?
It was pouring with rain, the trains were all up the creek and it was a Saturday and I wanted to stay at home. But. A plan was in place to gather with 6 school friends in London for lunch. We've known each other for many decades now having met at school in...
Makes it more interesting
Snowy and I went to something of a big 'Do' this week. Dinner for 600 at Guildhall in the City. Long frocks, men in their tuxes and a huge amount of energy in the room when 600 people sit and chat together. Crikey! As someone who recognises in...
Going Backwards?
Going back to something. Hmmm. You hear this all the time and it's just not possible... "I'm going back to work" or "I'm going to go back to doing exercise" or "Let's go back to X on holiday" or "Let's go back and look at the numbers and see what we can...
Corporate Guff
"We do expect our corporate members to keep their management processes under review throughout 2024 because a consistent operational model grounded in clear processes and associated measures provides a strong baseline to aid the management of volatility within...