Sit down. Breathe. Write. Repeat...Sympathy or Empathy
You might be wondering why the text below is all in bold ? Well, it's because I asked the Artificial Intelligence App, ChatGPT"What's the difference between empathy and sympathy?" and the response came back in Bold. I wanted to cut/paste and show...
Pin yourself down
Janet had known for a while that she was being made redundant. Her team would be restructured and her role would, effectively, be disappearing. We both know she's not alone in this situation and it's all too common now to be completely 'poleaxed' if and when it...
Tolerance is a loaded word. Tolerance and introducing the potential of tolerance allows you to move from right or wrong, and it shifts the balance where it’s not quite perfect but it’s still okay – or ‘good enough’ Being tolerant it keeps you...
Get over it
We as women have a tendency to Go Overboard! It's something I've noticed in myself and clearly I see and hear it in my clients, colleagues and friends. Over. Over-deliverOver-stayOver-shareOver-prepareOver-careOver-thinketc...I could go on Clearly I don't...
Friends and Family
"I don't know if we'd be friends if we weren't sisters because we're so different?" was something my sister said to me whilst we were on holiday last week. She didn't mean it in a nasty way, more in a pensive and wondering kind of way. Thinking about it as we...
Be a goldfish
So, you may or may not have watched, be watching or be a fan of Ted Lasso? Having just watched the final episode of this three series programme something struck me about what Ted says (well, many things struck me) but one of those is the phrase "Be a goldfish". Ted,...
Always Training
Pippa had been approached to apply for a role in a major high street retailer, and it was her first interview in 15 years. She was feeling anxious, concerned she’d be lost for words or out of her depth. Pippa and I decided that despite her being...
Buses do this
There's a phrase about buses along the lines of 'you wait ages and then two or three come along at the same time.' I don't know about you but it's definitely happened to me where I start to despair and then, shazam - two of the same bus appears and, whilst you...
Limbering up
I don't know about you but I have to get myself into the right 'state' to be able to be out there and in the mix. Being something of an introvert with extrovert tendencies (such a helpful observation from a friend many moons ago, it explained a lot for me...
There’s the plan…
One of my mantras to keep me - and those around me - flexible is this. "There's what you plan and then, there's what happens" and I say this out aloud and to myself a lot. Next week will be a logistical helter-skelter in that I'm hosting my...