Bouncing Back

How long does it take you to bounce back after a bit of a shock or something going off or not right?  

Personally and professionally It can often floor you and, depending on your ability to keep going – and to a degree bring a bit of Taylor Swift into your vocabulary with Shake It Off – it can really affect your well being.

A few friends have had a few OMG moments recently and clients too.  One of the things which comes across clearly is that whole keeping yourself in check at first.

Not losing it.  Not shouting and screaming.  Not yet.

Being more circumspect can sound easy and I know it’s not always.

It does however make you more resourceful and more able to cope/support/help depending on what’s needed.

A client called it ‘Bounce-back-ability‘.  It’s a good word.  However made up it is!

I recognise how easy it is to overthink things.  To overcare.  To project into the future without thinking of how much can/will change.  

To assume everyone’s thinking about you and judging you.  They’re not.  They’re too busy managing and thinking about their own stuff.

So do pay attention to how you respond to what happens to you or around you.

That whole “Keep Calm and Carry On” phrase is relevant for a reason.  It occupies a racing mind and can calm others down as they see you responding.

Not always easy I know.  But worth it.

Or in someone else’s words…


“You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you ….if you realised how seldom they do.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

And in other news…


Both Jeffrey and I were a bit under the weather earlier this week.  Thelma, our youngest houndy at 7 months, was a willing friend to lean on or be around –  despite her tendency for naughtiness!

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