Already doing it

Leadership. It’s such a loaded word, isn’t it? We tend to think about it, only in the context of work or professional lives,  being a leader developing leadership skills, looking at how to be a better leader et cetera. It can sometimes make your eyes...

The little BIG things

Isn’t it easy and, to a point, natural to take things for granted? I call them the ‘little big things’.   The things like walking, jumping up out of your seat, reading, speaking, sleeping, going to the loo.  All the things...

Listen to yourself

“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.”  ~ Brene Brown Well goodness me.  Do you do that?  Are you conscious of how you talk to yourself either aloud or silently? I can catch myself telling myself how silly I am or how...

Reality, or is it?

“When I argue with reality I lose, but only 100% of the time…”  This quote from Byron Katie the author, speaker and healer spoke to me when I first heard it on so many levels. The point she was making is we can waste so much time and effort and...

Pivotting with new information

Well, some people tell me “that’s it Kay, I’ve made up my mind and there’s no changing it” which always makes an alarm bell go off for me. Now I’m not suggesting it’s best to be flip/flopping with a decision you’ve...

Roll the Dice

One of my go-to phrases when wrestling with a tough decision is this. “What’s the worst that can happen AND how will I handle that?” The key to this is the second part.  We can easily catastrophise things and, particularly we as women do....

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