Bouncing Back

How long does it take you to bounce back after a bit of a shock or something going off or not right?   Personally and professionally It can often floor you and, depending on your ability to keep going – and to a degree bring a bit of Taylor Swift...


One of the best things about organising and event, a gathering, a party is getting ready and making the venue welcoming.  That’s my take anyway. I love thinking about how those coming will feel, what they’d want to know in advance to be...

Good Leaver

A number of clients are on the move. They’ve found a new role – or it came after them.  They’ve decided enough and “I’ll back myself” and resign then find something else. Whatever your reason for moving on,...

Out Loud

One of my friends bought me a notepad recently which ie entitled “Things I Can’t Say Out Loud In Meetings”. Whilst it’s a normal lined notepad it has, at the bottom of every other page, something you could say in meetings. You...


I’d been growling on about something to Snowy saying things like “I can’t believe xyz didn’t get back to me” or “how rude of abc to ignore blah blah it’s so disappointing”…when he reminded me of the...

And what else?

Such a simple phrase and so very magical too.  It’s as if you say “Abracadabra” to someone but – crucially – without saying it! Hear me out… When someone’s explaining something to you and wanting some input from you (same...

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