Going Backwards?

Going back to something.  Hmmm.  You hear this all the time and it’s just not possible… “I’m going back to work” or “I’m going to go back to doing exercise” or “Let’s go back to X on holiday”...

Corporate Guff

“We do expect our corporate members to keep their management processes under review throughout 2024 because a consistent operational model grounded in clear processes and associated measures provides a strong baseline to aid the management of volatility within...

Opening Doors

When you look back on your career path so far, I wonder who’s opened doors for you?  I don’t mean literally but I do mean figuratively.  Who encouraged you to go towards something?  Who opened a door which would otherwise have remained...

Be more self-ish

After attending one of my three-day events in London focused on career acceleration and owning your value, Jane (let’s call her) came to the realisation that that she wasn’t driving her own bus in her career and she needed to take back the steering wheel and...


When I heard my client say along the lines “I’ve given myself permission to watch a bit more TV” it struck me. That’s exactly what I wanted to do.   I’ve been very strict with myself for years about if, when, how, what I watch on TV.  Rarely...


Pace ~ “the speed or rate at which something happens” says my trusty online dictionary. Pacing yourself.  Pacing your energy. Pacing your speed. Pacing your rate of speaking. Why am I sharing this with you at this time? Well.  This very...

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