Waterskiing & Your Career

Stimulate your creative flow with something a bit different That expression “busy doing something else” is where your ideas and inspiration often comes from. It gives you the sense of being absorbed, concentrating, focused on something so other thoughts are put aside...

Zip It And Assertively Wait

Masterful Inactivity Isn’t Passive…. How to zip-it and give yourself breathing space This is a tricky one for so many of us. Wait. Pause. Think a bit. Choose if Money you’re going to act; to respond. To ‘Zip it’ is such a useful little phrase and it’s easy...

7 Career Success Traits Learned from Bollydog

The lessons are everywhere. Just notice. It may sound whimsical or indulgent to share with you career success traits which I’ve learned from our hound but, I am. On a number of levels, I realise how many lessons we’ve learned having been owned by a dog for over 13...

Whose Race Are You Really Running?

8 success strategies from Rio 2016 Watching the Olympics this Summer has been such an emotional experience and taught me so much. Truly. Every race, every event and all the interviews before and after prove, without a doubt, the traits all the participants share. The...

The Power Of The C Word

Choose your words wisely. Your words have power over you and what you think about – and the same applies to those who hear you – if they listen to you of course. When you’re asked to be present at something, if you can make a date or if you have time...

Where Have You Done This?

I can see it all now, just like it was yesterday. Every Tuesday night, I used to arrive for a Step Class and would watch, wistfully, through the window at the class just finishing. Everyone moving in syncronicity and with the thumping dance music and all the flow of...

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