Being Persuasive – How’s Your Pillow Talk?

Be clear about what you’re saying – people will love you for it It’s so easy to lose your message, your audience, their attention, their trust by using ‘weasel’ words.  By using ‘gobbledeegook’ if you will – and it’s everywhere, like an epidemic. With the pace of...

How To Get Your Message Across With A Story

A Simple Question to Ask Yourself Think of any film you’ve seen that grabbed you.  What about a TV series you follow, or a book you read and re-read or share?  They’ll all have grabbed your attention and kept it with a story.  The story that’s threaded and woven...

Influencing Skills: Do You Know How Valuable You Are?

Owning the value of the difference you make. That expression ‘talk is cheap’ is a powerful one.  The idea that words mean less than actions was the intention of this expression but in actual fact, talk can be expensive, it can be valuable, it can be discounted and it...

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