Choose Your High Five Words

The idea is that you choose five words to use to guide you, to help you make decisions, to make it easier to say Yes or No to things.  A lot of people have suggested picking one word for your year.  I believe five help you more.  They seem to interconnect and influence each other and have more depth than just the one.

Say you chose:  ‘Family, Income, Peace, Attention, Commitment’ for example.  Can you see how they affect each other?  Peace in your family, attention gives you peace, commitment to giving your attention, commitment to pay attention to your income, attention on your family commitments….. And so it goes on.

Choosing my High-Five Words, I have them on Sticky Notes all over the place!  On my office wall, on the mirror in the bathroom, on my notepad, in my diary and already I’m noticing how they’re helping and influencing me.  Snowy sees them too (whether he wants to or not) and says he’s picked up on how useful they are.  We decided to have our mini-break based on one of my five words – Nurture.

I invite you to join in and choose your five words.  I’d love to hear what they are if you want to share and –  of course – how you decide they’ll influence your 2013.

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