Earlier On

It was the thumping dance music which first made me want to be part of it.

Then it was seeing the high energy movement of the class following Pete like he was the Pied Piper.  It was as if they were one, not about 20 women sweating profusely!

I used to wait for a Step Class to start at 7pm and catch the tail end of the class before – High Impact Aerobics with Pete.

Looking through the glass window at about 6.50pm I just loved seeing all that was going on in there and wished I could ‘one day’ be part of it.

One week I said that to someone else who was waiting for the 7pm class too.

She said something like “Oh Kay, you’re only seeing the end of what’s been going on for nearly an hour, they build up to this intensity…”

Ha!  Lightbulb moment for me all those years ago. 🤓

Of course.  I was assuming – as we can so easily do – that everyone knew exactly what to do straight away and I was just some fairy elephant who’d never be able to join in.


The following week I left work earlier.  I got to go to the start of Pete’s High Impact Aerobics Class which started at 6pm.

I stood right at the back.  Who was I kidding that I was going right up the front straight off?! 

Following the build up of the steps from the back of the class, I quickly got the idea of what my feet and body should be doing!

It was fast.  It was dynamic and Pete played brilliant dance music which was really fast beats-per-minute.  Here’s my favourite track he played

So, here’s the thing.  

As I got to understand what we were doing I could see, at about 6.50pm, the women like I had been, watching from outside the class.

It took me about 4 weeks of edging forward to do the class and end up at the front, next to Pete.  The build up was all part of the fun of it and we started with one set of steps done 5 times, then the next set etc etc…

I bloody loved that class and I could have so easily missed out on ever even trying to be part of it all.

So let me ask you

  • what’s something you’re holding yourself back from even trying?
  • What’s the worst that can happen if you do try and then what would you do?
  • What would you tell a friend to do if they asked you about this?
  • Is it easier to let it go and tell yourself you’ll never do it…if so, why not do that?
  • OR how might you surprise yourself (and someone like Pete) if you do try?

Or in someone else’s words…


And in other news…


Douglas and I enjoyed our lunch outside this week and Thelma’s learned early in her 8 months that squirrels pass by my office window… chaos then ensues 😵‍💫

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