
So, having just come back from my first French Conversation Circle meeting for this term, I feel inspired to write to you about the word ‘Enough‘.

I’ve missed 3 classes this term.  Week 1 was the Gathering I hosted in London and then 2 weeks of being a bit under-the-weather and not feeling like having my brain filled with French words.  

This morning I was vacillating…shall I go, will I have missed too much, do I feel like it, I’d like to stay in my office and sort stuff out etc etc.  

You know how it goes when you’re procrastinating and putting something off…

I went.  I loved it.  

We discussed fraud in the learner-driver system in France including reading an article from Le Monde 🤓.

We then discussed all the associated words with the word Chateau.  I have made tons of notes and someone asked me how did I get to be so fluent!  Ha.  🤗

The secret… by immersing myself AND by being unafraid to make mistakes.

I can babble away making all sorts of errors AND still being understood.  

If I don’t know a word then I make a connection with another word “It’s like when you etc..”

My point is this.

We can so easily stop ourselves, assume we’re not smart, clever, experienced, thin, fit, qualified ENOUGH and then we hang back.  Just like I nearly did today.

Instead.  How about backing yourself and believing in yourself for a change?  Activating.  Going.  Saying “Yes”.

How about assuming that you have ‘enough of whatever it is you think you might be lacking and trust yourself to move forward with that?

  • Learn more from there.  
  • Find out more from there.  
  • Wade in from there.  

From here, I’m going to re-watch the video we watched together on passing your driving test in France, all in French of course.  

I’ll look up lots of words I kind of know but haven’t committed them to memory and start to listen again to my Talk In Slow French podcast which I’d stopped listening to… my French is more than good-enough and that’s all.  That’s …. enough!

I bet if you were to advise a friend you’d tell her/him things like “go for it, trust yourself, jump in“.  So, what about telling yourself the exact same thing and then going for it ?

Or in someone else’s words…


“You Are Enough.” –The Universe

And in other news…


Douglas isn’t wracked with any self-doubt.  He loves sleeping with his feet up against something… whenever and whatever it is and I’ve lost track of how many comfy dog beds we have dotted around our home and yet, here he is on the tiled kitchen floor.  More than good enough.

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