When you were growing up, what was your ambition to ‘be’...was it a nurse, a doctor, fighter pilot, tap dancer?! When I asked this question recently on my Facebook wall the responses were varied, funny, bittersweet and sometimes SPOT on for what the person was doing now.
There are often clues in these childhood ambitions about what you could/should/might do/are doing. (I wanted to be an Air Hostess, as was known, or a teacher. Mum never had to ask me what I did at primary school as I used to ‘teach’ all my dollies what I’d learned that day! She’d listen from the kitchen to find out… )
When I consider what I’m doing now, I’ve taken a huge raft of experience, lessons, highs and lows in corporate life from my own + 20 year corporate career and mixed in lessons, wisdom, strategies and stories from my clients, friends and from my own personal life (very nearly dying from Ovarian Cancer aged 16 sharpens up your “what’s important and what’s not and what’s BS and what’s not?” filter I can tell you) so I can ‘teach’ and share them. Not in a teacherly way but in a guiding, inspiring and motivational way. That’s always my intention.
Maybe there’s something in here for you?
When you look back (there are so many clues when you do) I wonder what you see about yourself?
So. This time NEXT FRIDAY 11th September – I’ll be right in the middle of hosting a Live Virtual Experience and I’d love to welcome you to take time for yourself, look back with intention and work out “what now?” for you. It’s never to late to pivot or shift focus. It’s only too late if you decide it is….

So much has shifted either for you or around you or both and to take some time to consider how you want your life to be and where you want to head towards NOW, is a gift to give yourself.
Deciding to host the Live Virtual Experience feels exciting and scary at the same time – a sure sign of stretching outside of my comfort zone!
Do consider what’s next or explore the ‘inkling’ you have and join me at Blaze Your Own Trail on Friday 11th September – a one-day Live Virtual Experience hosted by me and all designed with you in mind.
- Consider and identify your values – what drives your decisions and how you feel about opportunities
- Discover your Purposeful Sweetspot – where you Passion; Purpose; Profession; Mission collides and what that could mean
- Look at time and timing and how procrastination habits sabotage us
- Learn with and from other women like you too {{first_name}} all from the comfort of your own home office.
- Share stories and add your wisdom, life lessons and experience to the mix. I always say “You teach as you share”. You will.

All for just £47 with 50% of every ticket sold going to Refuge – the UK’s biggest charity supporting women and children against domestic violence. We’ll all lift as few climb.
Do decide soon to guarantee your Good-For-You-GiftBag arrives with you by post in good time for 11th September, especially if you’re overseas!
I’d better go, I’ve got a Live Virtual Experience to plan out…gulp.
Oh and if you’re someone who knows she can hold herself back by forever getting ready to be ready, learn about time and procrastination habits and we’ll do an exercise together which will focus you like a laser beam on time…and how much time you might have to work with. Here’s a 1 minute snapshot video of what I mean!

The quote above says it all…we don’t know how much time we have to take action, explore, decide. Make ‘One Day’ your Day One…