“Kay, what’s a secretary?” “Oh and what does being good at shorthand and typing mean?” What?!
I was speaking as part of panel for an education initiative for the Chartered Insurance Institute and The Lord Mayor’s Appeal Charity. I was one of four women with careers in the insurance industry invited to share – in 5 minutes – our career paths in insurance.
Our audience were 15/16 year old girls at a school in West London.
When I was asked those questions I realised a few things all at the same time – and laughed – and kept moving!
- Just because something is so obvious and known to you, it’s not to everyone else. I had to explain what shorthand was and why I was there typing for someone else…
- That was in 1981 when I started as a Secretary. A role which now tends to be more an Executive Assistant with very different responsibilities as the boss tends to type most of her/his messages and letters.
- It’s good to be pulled up short and be asked to explain yourself.
Explaining that I’d started my career as a Secretary was still relevant but the added description of what I did added confusion. Adding confusion is never useful when explaining things .
One of the things we all shared about our 20 and 30+ year careers was this.
- Just because a move doesn’t work out, it’s not the end. Keep moving.
- Just because something doesn’t feel good or right anymore, it’s not a forever moment. It’s a “right now” moment. And you can move through them.
- Just because it’s something you thought you wanted to do and now you don’t, you can change your mind. It’s OK and it becomes part of your own story to tell.
Appreciate and be grateful for your own journey . It’s yours to travel, the trip ups and the successes along the way are yours and no-one else’s and there will be tons of lessons in there others will appreciate and learn from…
It also makes you realise how far you’ve come when you look back with an open and appreciative mind.
>>> Save The Date! Friday 17th September <<<
A One-Day Live Gathering, on line, hosted by me and including many special guests. ALL focussed on you and IF or how you’re taking care of YOU. More details soon…
Douglas Puppyhound Developments
The pack all fired up and ready to go – Jeffrey has to wear his High Vis tabard as he blends in to the woodland and they all wear bells so I – and the squirrels – can hear where they are! Douglas hasn’t graduated to off lead yet. He will…