“I’ll take that up when I have more time” or “When I’m on my holidays maybe I’ll try again” or “I never seem to have enough time to ___” fill in the blank. That was a conversation I had with my VIP Client Group this very week.
We were talking about allowing ourselves to enjoy hobbies, craft, expressions of ourselves that are not our ‘day to day’ thing.
Painting, playing the piano again, tapestry, upholstering, drawing, learning to play Bridge etc – things that give you pleasure and a sense of accomplishment AND which require time and a level of commitment.
Do you have those kind of ‘when I have time’ kind of hobbies to take up again ? Or to learn? Or to give a try?
When I was learning to play the drums a few years ago (Yes, I can honestly respond to an emergency drumming situation…”Is there a drummer in the house?” and I can say “Yup, here I come” ) Neil – my long-suffering and fun drum teacher – said to me something along the lines of this …
“Don’t try and do an hour before our lesson or think that more time is better. Practice for just 10 minutes a day Kay. Work out where you can find 10 minutes (for me it was post-Houndwalk) and practice then.. 10 minutes per day will be 10 x better than 1 hour per week.”
So, that’s what I did and it worked . I literally practiced every day for 10 minutes – for 6 months – and here I am playing a Metallica track as a guest drummer at my first live gig!

Not trying to impress you , but to encourage you to give yourself that 10 minutes to get better at something that makes your heart sing…
It’s what I’m doing as I’m slowly learning to play Chess and with my speaking French re-booting. 10 minutes per day and you can alwaysfind that time….
- 10 minutes of Chess puzzles,
- 10 minutes listening to a French podcast,
- 10 minutes watching a YouTube Chess tutorial etc
- Just 10 minutes…
My clients and I decide to commit to “10 minutes per day” until we meet again in 4 weeks. I’m excited to hear the difference it’s made for them and I’m hopping off now to play Chess (I recommend this site if you’re keen to learn and don’t know where to start…)
If you struggle with establishing OR re-establishing boundaries and saying “NO” then I have something for you. A brand NEW Live Training all designed about boundaries. Your boundaries.
Say NO without upsetting yourself, others (or feeling guilty or mean).
Let me show you how. Here’s where to Register yourself . 19th August at 7.5pm for 75 minutes. SO much information and exact words and phrases for you .

>>> AND Save Another Date! Friday 17th September <<<
A One-Day LIVE Online Gathering hosted by me and including many special guests.
Personal Practices; Potions & Personal Power Moves << all part of our discussions together on Friday 17th September..
Douglas Puppyhound & Other Developments
Our staycation started in London and we went to the interactive Van Gogh exhibition which was STUNNING. His art was his life…not just 10 minutes per day

Drinks outside in the centre of London in a little oasis!

Douglas and I have been swimming at the Suffolk seaside this week – his first time. Not mine