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Tune in weekly for influential, practical and proven effective communication strategies, steps and mindsets.
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In under 20 minutes per episode, each week learn ways to communicate more effectively as you make – and keep making – your savvy, strategic moves at work.
(Bonus: the tips work just as well at home too)

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I wish I’d found this sooner!
A fantastic podcast that is concise, relevant and essential for any woman in a corporate role. I wish I had found this sooner!
Kay clearly ‘gets it’ in terms of the challenges facing women in this industry and provides tangible advice. Kay’s advice is not always the cliche suggestions but real advice that allows listeners to be authentic. Am telling all my female friends about the podcast! Thank you Kay.
155 – Make A Memorable Ask
Help others to help you by being creative and brave as you ask. It makes it easier for people to say yes to you when you show how much you care.
154 – Recovering Perfectionists Still Do This
How to pay attention to when you're slipping. Perfectionism can take on many forms and truly takes the joy out of things.
153- Ask Yourself This Next Time About Time
Your Boundaries are being tested, flex your NO muscles. Why the Alchemist author teaches such a valuable lesson.
152 – Stop Clouding The Meaning Of Your Messages
Abbreviations can cause confusion and disconnection. Keep your messages clear and hold attention at the same time.
151 – Gratitude Journaling for Right Now
How finding 5 things each day shifts your energy. Now ore than ever and attitude of gratitude helps you.
150 – Making a BIG Project Manageable
How approaching your projects and planning your way there works. Make it easier, more fun and more effective all at the same time!
149 – Prince Helped Me To Let Go
How and why you need to vent at this emotional time. Often the emotion on the surface isn't really what's going on.
148 – Set Your 2021 Intentions
Be clearer about where you want to head and why. The clearer you are the easier it is to make what you want to have happen happen!
147 – Be More Selfish
Now more than ever, put yourself first. How self-care isn't selfish but critical.
146 – Reflect Back to Project Yourself Forward
How understanding the past joins the dots in your future. Ask yourself good questions to understand your evolution.
145 – All Tracksuits & Tiaras These Days
Dress for your day these days especially at work. Show up at work online in a way which works best for you.
144 – My Secret Keys To Presenting With Presence
How to get out of your own way when presenting online or in-person. Things I wish I'd done or known when I started out speaking. Accelerate by taking these tips.
143 – Recover from the BIG Mistake at Work
How to navigate the situation and move through any fallout or embarrassment. Why you must face the situation and show your leadership self.
142 – Pivot or Pirouette
A more elegant move for the times we’re in. How to think about the agility and flexibility we need to manage the pace and incessant change.
141 – Where To Start?
Plan your way through tricky conversations for better results. How and why it's key to consider your moves when delivering your messages.
140 – Getting Stuck Can Creep Up On You
Taking action and putting yourself back in the driving seat at work. How to plan and consider the best way to get out of being stuck. it's a choice to stay there, stuck.
139 – Little word BIG Impact
How to free yourself from having to know everything. Be a learner and be open to developing whilst you’re taking on challenges.
138 – Watch Your Speed
Pacing and how it affects if (or how) people hear you. It’s not all about what you say - most of successfully communicating a message is about HOW you say it