Power Up; Speak Up; Be Heard Ebook
Say What Needs to Be Said; Be Confident and Clear. It’s All About Being Heard.FREE EBOOK FOR YOU. Use it today to make communicating at work easier and more effective.
- Do you have trouble getting your point across?
- Do you keep hearing, “Did you just say something?”
- Do you stumble and struggle as you try to get a word in edgewise?
- Do people seem to ‘tune‘ you out or stare into space when you’re speaking?
If you can’t get your thoughts and ideas across in a clear, succinct and convincing way to others, then you’ll always have to work harder to get people’s attention.
To do that, we both know you need attract and keep other people’s attention by saying what needs to be said. NOT what you need to say.
Big difference..
Well, I’ve got good news for you!

I’ve put together an easy-to-read COMPLIMENTARY and easy-to-apply eBook to help solve these exact issues:
Power Up; Speak Up; Be Heard:
Say What Needs to Be Said;
Be Confident and Clear.
It’s All About Being Heard.
and I designed it to help you – straight away – to speak up and say what needs to be said in a comfortable, confident way.
Already downloaded more than 10,000 times, your eBook is divided into 5 key sections:
- Being Assertive – how and why to stake your claim
- Being Seen – showing up and staying on people’s radar
- Difficult Conversations – they don’t have to be difficult
- Influencing Skills – your Jedi Mastery kit, inspire action in people
- Persuasive Language – the difference between “Yes” & “Whatever”
Using the tools and tips from this new, easy-to-read and understand downloadable eBook you’ll discover the ways – and the words – to be comfortable and assertive as you :
- Get your point across so people actually hear you (not just nod at you)
- Connect with people easily, when you want to
- Motivate people to respond to your requests (without banging the desk)
- Say what needs to be said (without being offensive or witchy)
- Break through the ‘sound barrier’ and be heard
- Get a massive boost in confidence and credibility as you express what you want and why….and then get it.
People like people who make things happen, who get their ideas across clearly and quickly and who know how – and when – to say what needs to be said. Using and applying the tools and tips (and exact words and phrases) in my eBook, that person will soon be you.
“What Kay shares is almost Jedi! I get more of what I want first time around from my team now AND when I want it! Kay inspires me to use new ways of communicating and they really work.
As well as being creative and fun, she really knows her stuff and she’s become my secret power supply – what Kay shares is almost Jedi — May the force be with you too – it’s certainly with me now.
You’ll also receive Kay’s weekly ezine. Your privacy is guaranteed and you can safely Unsubscribe at any time.
“You’ll never make more money than the level to which you can communicate with people.”
“Kay White has insights, tools and strategies and lays them out simply and logically for you. The information she shares is brilliant, timeless and valuable. Things go together better for you after you’ve worked with Kay.”
“Kay gets right to the heart of the matter.
We often struggle telling our clients ‘No’ and in a way that they feel heard but at the same time letting them know we are standing our ground. Kay gets right to the heart of the matter in a clear, informative and engaging way.
When I heard Kay say that she teaches people how to be savvy communicators I knew that at a gut level that this is exactly what I need – I told her “Holy crap I need that”.
Kay has a great response for every kind of situation and I’m now am able to be more concise and direct, confident and kind.”
“Kay certainly has enabled me to get what I want.”
“Kay White has an extraordinary ability to listen carefully to the words you use and fine tune them to make your conversations clear and connected to what you want regardless of your audience—big or small.
I’ve found Kay’s communication style to be savvy, insightful and modern. I speak about health around the world and Kay has been exceptionally helpful with enabling me to connect to people outside of my familiar audience. I use Kay’s book The A to Z of Being Understood to tweak my message when taking it to people outside of my profession.
Kay certainly has enabled me to get what I want by teaching me to momentarily pause in conversation and choose my next word wisely. Thank you Kay for your insights you certainly have a way with words.”
“Kay’s calming and common sense advice brings clarity and most often—a ready way forward.”
“When ticklish, tricky personnel and management matters land on my desk, Kay’s calming and common sense advice brings clarity and most often—a ready way forward. To find a strategy or an approach that will help construct a winning argument I reach into Kay White’s magic toolbox.”