When you take that short intake of breath, maybe say a curse word under your breath and then say “Yes, OK of course I will” to yet another request, there’s a cost.
So many women tell me how overstretched they feel and how the lines between work/home have become so blurry – and whilst working from home has its advantages, so there are disadvantages.
You can feel ‘on’ all the time. Instead of commuting and maybe reading a book, you’re at your desk sooner and the boundaries that having to commute naturally give you…dissolve!
Many clients are gearing up to working in the office again from September. Most with the ‘hybrid model’ as it’s now known. 2 or 3 days in the office, the balance at home.
I wonder where you’re at with this and how you’re planning your new working model?
It is worth planning it. Not just saying “Yes, OK then” to whatever suggestions or ‘dictates’ seem to come your way.
It’s time to negotiate. To consider what you want and how it can work best for you and your own well-being. To say “No” more than you do.
It’s not selfish to build in self-care into your day. it’s essential. Otherwise you give people a 2nd-rate version of yourself if you’re too wrung out.
Maybe consider in this time of flux negotiating:
- Going into the office later and working at home first thing?
- Compressing hours so you can make your week shorter?
- Suggesting a ‘Team Day’ once a month/every other week when everyone’s in and then flexing around the rest?
- And so many more ideas…
The point is to look after yourself. To not just say “Yes”. To use this recent world-of-work shift to your best advantage. Pause. Ask “how can I make this work better for me?”.
Now then! If you struggle with establishing OR re-establishing boundaries and saying “NO” at work OR to those who may take advantage of you at home too – then I have something for you.
A brand NEW Live Training all designed about boundaries. Yourboundaries.
Say NO without upsetting yourself, others (or feeling guilty or mean).
Let me show you how. Here’s where to Register yourself . NEXT Thursday 19th August at 7.30pm for 75 minutes. SO much information and exact words and phrases for you .
>>> AND Save Another Date! Friday 17th September <<<
A One-Day LIVE Online Gathering hosted by me and including many special guests.
Personal Practices; Potions & Personal Power Moves designed to put YOU at the centre of your life for your benefit AND for others’ << all part of our discussions together on Friday 17th September..
In other news…
Still on our Staycation last week, we went to stay with my sis who lives on the Kent seaside. Breezy walks and long talks and 5 hounds between us…

Rex, one of my sister’s hounds is very partial to an ice lolly as Snowy found!