We’ve had a truly moving experience recently.
After 20 years in our home at Christmas last year we decided we’d move further out and change the shape, rhythm and pace of our lives.
And then the kicker!
Have you ever underestimated how attached you are to someone or something until it’s gone or going?
Oh my goodness we both underestimated how much we loved our home and how hard it was to leave. Even though we knew we were moving to a special place we’ve found in the countryside.
Snowy and I both had emotional blowouts and various moments of “What have we done?” or “I don’t know if I want to do this now” after it was too late.
Then I realised something. Of course.
We were in the momentum of the trapeze.
To get to something or someone or somewhere new, you have to let go of the ‘old’ – otherwise you’re kind of stuck between the two with the pulls of both confusing you.
Just as a trapeze artist has to fly through the air for a few seconds before the other part of the swing appears, that’s where we were last week.

And here’s the thing , it feels scary as well as exciting. I know this so well in other areas of my life:
- Resigning with no role to go to
- Starting my own business with no idea how to do it
- Writing a book and teaching it at the same time
- Hosting a 3-day event when I had never done such a thing
- Getting married (a real leap of faith)
You’ll have lots of examples like these too where you’ve made a decision to do something then – just like the trapeze artist we all have to be – you have to fly through the air being uncomfortable until the next part appears.
So, we arrived at our new house and then, in only a day or so, with a massive amount of help from family and friends, started to turn it into our new home.
This is such a lesson for us all. Letting go and letting be whilst adjusting to the new ‘what is’.
The story continues….
In other news…
Our hounds are adjusting to the new walks on our doorstep and the sniffs and smells then need to suss out!