
One of the best things about organising and event, a gathering, a party is getting ready and making the venue welcoming.  That’s my take anyway.

I love thinking about how those coming will feel, what they’d want to know in advance to be comfortable and prepared, how they’re going to be catered for and what they want to feel as they leave.

Having attended many events over the years where the above hasn’t been thought about I do know the difference.

Examples of those being: 

  • Cold, draughty air-con rooms
  • No welcoming beverages
  • Queues for everything
  • Crap (if any) signage
  • No guidance re dresscode or journey
  • etc..

All the above contribute to your audience/guests feeling ready to be ready to enjoy, participate, and play full out – which is, after all, what you’re normally hoping for yourself.

Last Friday I hosted a gathering of past and present clients.  Everyone knew someone and I knew everyone!

The room was buzzing.  

Flowers, sparkles, sweeties, a candle, tissues all on each table. A handy notepad and pencil each plus a room full of gilt and chandeliers and brilliant women.  What a potent combination!

May be an image of 13 people

My husband Snowy was Robin to my Batman 🤭 and I advised everyone that the private Club we were hosting at had a ‘strictly no bare midriffs‘ code!  We all giggled about that and, at the same time, it’s good to know…

So, I encourage you to really consider your guests and their environment when you’re planning such an event or party.  

It’s always come naturally to me to think how I’d like to be treated and then do the same but I can assure you the ‘bish bosh – that’ll do‘ style of some other event hosts really can take the shine off.  Why would you want to do that?

Or in someone else’s words…


“Gatherings crackle and flourish when real thought goes into them, when (often invisible) structure is baked into them, and when a host has the curiosity, willingness, and generosity of spirit to try.”

~ Priya Parker, The Art of Gathering 

And in other news…


A few photos from the day.  We had a surprise guest too – a mouse shot across the room and then disappeared!  The Event Planner at the Club wanted me to sit at the other end of the room near pictures and busts of stern older men.  Er. Hello?!  No.  

QE2 was our backdrop and what a role she had to step into long before she was ready…

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