“When you focus and know what you don’t want,
what you DO want starts to reveal itself.”
I said this to a client recently as I listened to her tell me:
- and I don’t want to work in the office full time
- and I don’t want to manage more than 2 people max
- and I don’t want to work for a company with no soul
- and I don’t want leap into anything from fear……and so it went on.
So with this information and strong feelings in mind, let them guide you towards what you do want.
Turn that “I don’t want” into “So what I want instead is” and off you go.
The client above, for example:
- So I want to work from home at least 2 days per week
- And I want to manage only 2 people if anyone at all
- And the company must care about people and have a culture and values aligned with my own
- And I’m going to give myself time to really consider where I want to contribute
What I’ve learned in my own business-building experience AND my 20 year corporate career experience before that mirrors exactly this approach Amanda.
At my private client 2-Day Retreat recently, the group offered me time to have my own 20 minute Mastermind with them as my Board of Directors/Listeners/Guides.
What came out of that was SO useful and is guiding me to what I want to do want to do and head towards next based on what I don’t want…
It’s easy to say “Oh I just don’t know what I want” and it’s kind of a cop out.
IF you think about what you don’t want, don’t want to continue or experience and then turn that on it’s head, it will guide you in the direction of what you do want.
You don’t have to have it all down or figured out straight away. Just more of an idea.
Being something of an implementer, I’ve already acted on the clarity that my Mastermind gave me and I’m excited to now move in that direction.
Feeling stuck, frustrated, trapped, unsure is exhausting. It’s worth doing the work and contemplation to get yourself out of that.
Hope these ideas help you if you’re wrestling with what you DON’T want!
In other news…
I whizzed to Crete last weekend for 3 nights to stay with my sis and see their new home on the island. It’s stunning. Hot, rugged and beautiful and their home has the sea views on one side and the mountains on the other.
Their dear hounds have settled in well too and we just had such a lovely time together. Bittersweet knowing they’re virtually a whole day’s travel away but – as we know you have to do what you want to do when you can and everyone else has to adapt! So we all are.